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Find a warm, welcoming environment at Seneca House
Assisted Living
You’ll find Seneca House in a residential neighborhood in SW Fort Collins. Once a family home, it’s now been converted into a residential assisted living facility.
The interior has been fully remodeled, and the exterior has been beautifully landscaped.
It can provide care for 12 seniors and individuals who need assistance with everyday living activities.
Families can have peace of mind knowing their loved one is always safe and well cared for, living in a comfortable and nurturing environment.
Residential assisted living offers a more intimate and personalized approach to care.
“We believe that our residents should be treated like family,” says Motolani Owolabi, owner and administrator of Seneca House.
With everything they do, Seneca House strives to provide residents with an authentic family experience.
Visitors can tour Seneca House, meet the staff, see the amenities, and learn more about services offered.
To schedule a tour, check availability, and get on the waitlist, please call +1 (970) 795-860 or submit our contact us form here.